Thursday 2 December 2010

SportsTarget With Background

    I managed to drag myself out of bed this morning despite having some form of mega flu and knock up a background for 'SportsTarget' (my named version of SportsWheel). I'm pretty happy with it, I had to down the transparency of it because it was too vibrant with the chips, target etc. it was distracting. I also managed to get a few arrows in for aesthetics which I think help. I was tempted to add a few bits to the background however, again I don't want it to distract from the main elements of the game so here's what i came up with. I've got two different versions as I thought the upper example was a bit messy with the castle behind the chips, it just made that corner a bit too busy, so I moved it out of the way in the lower example:

(Click image for bigger picture)


  1. It looks interesting but it still seems too crowded. Have you considering maybe adding some more space in there, rearranging the coins, maybe making the big wheel a little bit smaller?

  2. Cheers Wiz, I have played around with the wheel size however if I decreased it's size the numbers towards the back of the wheel may not be as easy to see, they're quite small as it is. I am still playing about with layout, I'm not 100% happy with it at the moment so I may still yet move some of the coins about.
