At the weekend, Adam, Matt and I decided that making our level for the Modding module would be a fun challenge. To reiterate, our level is based on an Egyptian dig site and composed of two floors. The upper is the digsite, which is designed to be open long spaces for longer range conflict. The bottom (the focus of our paper prototype) is a an excavated tomb, which uses more confined spaces designed for concentrated battles. We felt that this would be the best floor to prototype as it would allow us to test the shapes of corridors and hallways.
So below are the images of our development of the protoype. We have yet to begin testing the spaces by experimenting with obstacles, that will most probably take place during the week however we have all the space laid out ready to do so.
I've done a few visualisations as an example of the kind of thing we are going to use the prototype for in our design document.
We started by drawing out the floorplan based on our initial idea, beginning to take into consieration scale. We estimated that roughly 15mm = 1meter in game, which is a bit of an odd scaling system but we were catering around how big we could make the map on an A1 sheet.
We cut it out... Not as good as we could have done might I add, due to an old scalpel and that we were cutting on the underside of my rug...
We had to elevate the floor as we have a section of recessed floor in the main chamber, which you can see in this image.
I then added the staircase incline which is one of the entrances down into the tomb, you can see this on the far right of the image.
Alongside this we added the ramped floor next to the entrance of the tomb which leads to a drop down to the outer walkways. We also added a central pillar to represent the large statue that will take its place in game.
These are examples of how I expect some of the spaces to be used in game. We haven't added the sloped path down to the recessed flooring yet either, however in the final version this will be implemented.
You can see form the bottom image that we haven't built in the slopes yet however if you refer to the map that I've posted earlier on in my blog (keep scrolling down) you should be able to see where they are going to be placed.
So this is about 85% finished however I thought i'd blog it now as I'm going to be short on time over the next week. After seeing it like this I'm more confident about the design of our map overall, just need to do a decent job of modelling it digitally now!
Again if you would like to see the original floorplan it is in this month's postings, so just scroll down.
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