Here are examples of the initial chip ideas I've produced for my sportswheel redesign. The theme is a kind of 11th/12th century archery setting, so I did a bit of library research into some of the the styles of the time, found a few examples of tapestries from the time as well as illustrations which helped me to begin settling on colour palettes and general styles. I also found some examples of 12th century coins which I thought would be pretty much ideal to use as betting chips for my sportswheel theme. To the right is an example of one of the coin styles I found which i used as a reference and template to create my own chip vectors. You can see a few similarities between the two like the rough, uneven edge and text around the edge of the coin. Even though these are initial designs I think I'll probably stick with them, maybe change the colour of the bronze coin to a different colour to avoid confusion with the gold one.

I may need to change the values shown on the coins to match the amount players are actually betting on. Apart from the chips, I also have to produce the archery target (sportswheel), shoot button, archer animation and background. Which won't be to difficult, I managed to knock these up in an hour so if the rest of it is as simple I shouldn't have any problems. Also I've just remembered I had to create the text used on the coins, which again was made using pictorial reference from the books I picked up. In the image below I've shown the original research, a font that I made just using the found font style as a guideline and then the vectors which I used on the coins:
The font is slightly cartoony which I wasn't really aiming for, however it fits with the general style of the coin so I don't think it matters too much also text isn't going to be a massive part of the final game so I decided to let it go.
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