Monday, 8 August 2011

Cucina Childrens Menu Illustrations

     I've spent the last few days putting together illustrations for a menu which is to be used in a special needs school called Milestone School. Basically the brief was to create simple images to represent the food that the students of the school could use as a means of picking what they want from the menu, which was necessary as a lot of the students have difficulty reading.
     The way the system works is that each day in the cafeteria, tiles with the food imprinted on them would be stuck to a magnetic notice board and the students would choose what they want.
     I was given a list of 38 meals that I had to create. Below are the first bunch that I produced and sent off for approval. Feedback came back and I had to make the icons simpler, breaking them down into individual foods. So instead of having an icon with quiche, carrots and beans on it I would have to create three separate icons for each of them.

     So below are the new list of 63 individual foods that I've just finished and are going to be used and set up in the next few weeks. Text is to the tiles as the teachers also eat the same things as the students do, so that's more for their benefit.  

[Click image to enlarge]

    I also had to create two spot the differences and a snakes and ladders board which is to be printed onto a 700x700mm collapsable box. There was no real theme established so I stuck with food as I think it might be used in the eating area. I also had to draw a top down plate of food for when there were no bowls on the box.

[Click image to enlarge]